Summit Sessions

New Horizon: Framework Programme 10 and Innovation Leadership

As Europe advances towards its green and digital transformation, the forthcoming Framework Programme 10 (FP10) is poised to be pivotal in bolstering the raw materials sector and how Europe competes with its global peers as a leading industrialised economy. How can FP10 strategically drive research, innovation, and industrialisation to secure a sustainable and resilient supply chain for critical and strategic raw materials (CRMs and SRMs) for Europe - discussions will focus on strategies to reduce dependency on key technologies and materials, foster public-private partnerships, and enhance competitiveness through targeted investments in education and technology.

15.05.25, 9:50am - 10:30am
Add to Calendar 2025-05-15 09:50:00 Raw Materials Summit 2025: New Horizon: Framework Programme 10 and Innovation Leadership As Europe advances towards its green and digital transformation, the forthcoming Framework Programme 10 (FP10) is poised to be pivotal in bolstering the raw materials sector and how Europe competes with its global peers as a leading industrialised economy. How can FP10 strategically drive research, innovation, and industrialisation to secure a sustainable and resilient supply chain for critical and strategic raw materials (CRMs and SRMs) for Europe - discussions will focus on strategies to reduce dependency on key technologies and materials, foster public-private partnerships, and enhance competitiveness through targeted investments in education and technology. Rue Bara straat 1751070, Brussels, Belgium, The Egg Conference Centre, Auditorium RAW MATERIALS Europe/Brussels public