Summit Sessions

Critical Raw Materials Act – Policy Meets Industry

Moderated by
David Rose

This high-level panel brings together policymakers, industry leaders, banking professionals, and investors for an open discussion on Europe’s investment attractiveness, focussing on the expected impact of the CRMA.

Discussions will also cover the key role that the European Raw Materials Alliance can play in supporting the EU’s strategic investment pipeline to help Europe reach its net zero targets.

15.05.24, 9:15am - 10:00am
Add to Calendar 2024-05-15 09:15:00 Raw Materials Summit 2024: Critical Raw Materials Act – Policy Meets Industry This high-level panel brings together policymakers, industry leaders, banking professionals, and investors for an open discussion on Europe’s investment attractiveness, focussing on the expected impact of the CRMA.Discussions will also cover the key role that the European Raw Materials Alliance can play in supporting the EU’s strategic investment pipeline to help Europe reach its net zero targets. Rue Bara straat 1751070, Brussels, Belgium, The Egg Conference Centre, Auditorium RAW MATERIALS Europe/Brussels public