Naaja H. Nathanielsen
Minister of Finance and Gender Equality, Government of Greenland

Upcoming Sessions

Add to Calendar 2024-05-16 11:30:00 Raw Materials Summit 2024: Radical industry skills transformation must act with speed, agility and mindset shift The transition to a green economy, fueled by AI, digital innovation, and shifting demographics, necessitates a rapid overhaul of industry-specific skills. Sectors such as mining, processing and recycling urgently need continuous upskilling and reskilling to address talent shortages.  This speaker line-up will discuss redefining skill requirements, reshaping cultures, and embracing change in the raw materials sector to drive innovation. Through shared experiences and best practices, the importance of adaptability, speed, and a transformative mindset in driving industry-wide innovation will be highlighted.   Rue Bara straat 1751070, Brussels, Belgium, The Egg Conference Centre, Auditorium RAW MATERIALS Europe/Brussels public
Radical industry skills transformation must act with speed, agility and mindset shift
Moderated by
David Rose
European Comission
Minister of Finance and Gender Equality, Government of Greenland
European Investment Bank
+1 speaker
Senior Scientist, MontanuniversitΓ€t Leoben